About the Fellowship

About David Evans Shaw
The Shaw Innovation Program, launched in 2021, is made possible through the generosity of David Evans Shaw. Through the program, Shaw, a prominent business and social entrepreneur and resident of Maine, seeks to supplement demand for education and research in the fields of entrepreneurship, science, technology, business, and leadership in order to help build a network of student innovators across several New England universities.

Meet the Shaw Senior Fellows
The six students selected as Shaw Senior Fellows for the 2024–2025 school year have demonstrated exceptional drive and passion and have each been awarded $5,000 to lead an innovative project in their area of interest.

Meet the Innovation Fellows and Team
The Shaw Innovation Team is composed of students from diverse backgrounds and interests who have demonstrated creative thinking, curiosity, and teamwork. These students receive training in design thinking and real-world problem-solving, learning how to generate wild ideas, prototypes, and experiments and how to use empathy to become more innovative thinkers and doers. Each receives a $1,000 stipend, and collectively they work as a team to apply their change-making skills to select capstone projects.
In 2024–2025, the innovation team is working to bring a nutrition bar to market that uses ingredients such as seaweed and honey sourced from UNE’s campus. Read about the SeaMade Bar in the news